Participate in POSSEE Pod

Pod is a group of POSSEE program participants working on the same open source project during the same period of time.

Working Together toward OSS excellence

At POSSEE, collaboration is key. Our program brings together a diverse range of stakeholders, each playing a crucial role in supporting students and advancing open source initiatives. 


Philanthropists are essential partners in our mission to empower students through open source. Your support can provide valuable resources and opportunities for students in developing countries.

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions play a vital role in nurturing the next generation of open source contributors. Partner with us to integrate real-world projects into your curriculum and provide students with hands-on experience.

OSS Maintainers

Open source maintainers are the backbone of the community. Collaborate with us to mentor students, provide feedback on projects, and ensure the sustainability of open source initiatives.

Companies Looking to Sponsor Projects

Companies rely on open source for innovation and growth. Sponsor a project through POSSEE to access emerging talent, reduce risk, and demonstrate your commitment to supporting the open source ecosystem.

Organizations Looking to Sponsor the POSSEE Program

Organizations interested in supporting education and open source can sponsor the POSSEE program. Your sponsorship will enable us to expand our reach, provide more opportunities for students, and make a greater impact on the open source community.

Student Mentors, Tech Leads, Project Managers, Student Interns

Students and professionals alike can contribute their expertise to POSSEE. Whether you’re interested in mentoring students, leading projects, or gaining practical experience, there’s a role for you in our program.

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