
User Survey Phase II - Data Analysis and Survey Results Report Scope of Work

1. Data Collection and Cleaning

 – Clean and preprocess the collected data to remove incomplete or invalid entries.

2. Data Analysis

   – Perform analysis using NumPy and matplotlib to identify key insights from the survey responses.

3. Survey Results Report

   – Draft a comprehensive report summarizing the key findings from the data analysis.

   – Provide clear insights and actionable recommendations based on the results.

   – Include visualizations and detailed breakdowns of the most relevant survey metrics.

   – Ensure the report is well-organized, with a clear narrative on user behavior and preferences.

4. Review and Feedback

   – Share the initial report draft with the scikit-learn core team for review and feedback.

   – Incorporate revisions and finalize the report for presentation.

5. Presentation of Findings to the User Community

   – Present the survey results report via all the scikit-learn communication channels.

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