
Become a POSSEE sponsor and support a student’s education and an open source project at the same time.

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Sponsor the POSSEE Program

Your donation will benefit the current open source Pods in operation and enable the creation of additional Pods. This can be achieved with a financial donation or with an in kind donation such as your time or infrastructure credits etc.

Sponsor or contribute to a POSSEE Pod

This allows you to choose a specific open source project that you depend upon and give it a little extra boost.

Program Sponsorship


Community Impact: You will be providing educationally aligned jobs to students in developing countries that focus on growing and sustaining open source communities

Brand Visibility and Recognition
– Listed as a sponsor on our website
– Improved good-will perception
An opportunity to attend POSSEE Pod meeting of your choice once a week
Ability to attend Program Sponsor meeting once a month to influence the program
Access to talent across all projects as it matures (behind pod sponsors and premier sponsors)

We would welcome 10 Level 1 sponsors per year

Sponsorship could be in kind and given in things like infrastructure credits (AWS, Google, etc.) or in time from project managers or mentors.

Premium - limited availability

Community Impact: You will provide educationally aligned jobs to students in developing countries that focus on growing and sustaining open source communities
Brand Visibility and Recognition
– Listed as a premier sponsor on our website (and on every pod)
– Improved good-will perception
– Opportunity to promote brand with top students
– We will prepare joint blog-post with you
– We will include you in a blog post
– We will give you a shout out over social media
Access to talent as it matures across all pods (pod sponsors have first right to students on that pod).
An opportunity to attend any POSSEE Pod weekly meetings and receive updates on projects
A seat at weekly POSSEE meetings where Program progress is decided and Pod promotion is decided.
We would welcome 4 Level 1 sponsors per year

Pod Sponsorship

Contribute to a Pod - $5,000

Community Impact: You will provide educationally aligned jobs to students in developing countries that focus on growing and sustaining open source communities
Brand Visibility and Recognition
– Promoted alongside the pod on our website as “sponsored-by”

Pod Sponsorship - $25,000

Community Impact: You will provide educationally aligned jobs to students in developing countries that focus on growing and sustaining open source communities
Brand Visibility and Recognition
– Listed as a pod sponsor on our website
– Promoted alongside the pod on website, social media, and wherever the pod is promoted.
– Improved good-will perception
You can define what the POD works on as long as it leads to open-source contributions.
An opportunity to attend weekly POSSEE Pod meetings in the pod you sponsor
Opportunity to hire any of the POSSEE interns or student mentors on the Pod you sponsor.
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