
Project: Theme Designer Application for the Spyder IDE Based on PyQt


  • -Develop a theme designer web app for the Spyder IDE.
  • Generate visually appealing and accessible color palettes for light and dark modes based on a limited set of user-defined colors.
    Implement the APCA (Accessible
  • Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) for improved contrast calculations, promoting inclusivity for users with visual impairments.

Key Features

  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive input for up to 5 base colors.
  • Automatic Palette Generation: Generates light and dark mode palettes using the APCA algorithm.
  • Live Preview: Displays Spyder interface elements using generated colors in realtime.
  • Manual Adjustment: Enables users to fine-tune individual color values within the palette.
  • Data Visualization: Provides real-time display of color data, including contrast ratios calculated using APCA.
  • Automatic Adjustment: Automatically adjusts color values to maintain APCA compliance after manual modifications.
  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensures text legibility, sufficient icon contrast, and appropriate color hierarchy based on the semantic importance of elements.

Project Benefits

  • Improved Accessibility: The application directly promotes accessibility by utilizing the APCA algorithm, ensuring greater inclusivity for users with visual impairments.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Simplifies theme creation for Spyder, enabling users to quickly develop visually appealing and accessible themes.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automates the color palette generation process, saving developers significant time and effort.
  • Open Source: The developed site (and IDE themes) will be open source, and we will explore releasing it as its own standalone open-source project to benefit the wider community beyond just that of Spyder.

Plan of Work (12 weeks, 3 interns)

Phase 1: Learning & Foundation (Weeks 1-2)

  • Learn the basics of the chosen web app design (to be selected based on student familiarity and preference), Spyder IDE basics, APCA implementation, and relevant color theory principles.
  • Set up the development environment and project structure.
  • Create a basic UI layout for the web app.
  • API Considerations: [detail specific Spyder-IDE API requirements for integration, maybe?].

Phase 2: Core Functionality (Weeks 3-6)

  • Implement color input functionality and data validation.
    Develop the algorithm for generating light and dark mode palettes based on APCA.
  • Create the live preview display for Spyder interface elements.
  • Implement the color data visualization panel (contrast ratios, etc.).

Phase 3: Refinement & Integration (Weeks 7-10)

  • Implement the manual color adjustment interface with real-time updates.
  • Develop the automatic color adjustment functionality to maintain APCA compliance.
  • Integrate accessibility considerations, ensuring text legibility, icon contrast, and appropriate color hierarchy.

Phase 4: Testing, Documentation & Finalization (Weeks 11-12)

  • Conduct thorough testing of all features, addressing bugs and usability issues.
    Refine the user interface and user experience based on testing feedback.
  • Prepare comprehensive documentation, including a user guide for the application/site.
  • Finalize the application/site for deployment and potential standalone usage.


  • Functional theme designer web site/application for Spyder.
  • Well-documented source code with clear comments and explanations.
  • Comprehensive user guide outlining setup, features, and usage.
  • Project report detailing the development process, challenges, solutions, and outcomes.

Further Reading

  • Somers A. The Realities And Myths Of Contrast And Color: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/09/realities-myths-contrast-color/
  • Whittaker SG, Lovie-Kitchin J. Visual requirements for reading. Optom Vis Sci. 1993: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8430009/
  • A catalog of Myndex Research content, including APCA articles & documentation, related code repositories, and resources: https://git.myndex.com/
  • Colour contrast for user interface components: https://www.accessibility-developer-guide.com/knowledge/colours-and-contrast/user-interface-components/
  • How to calculate colour contrast: https://www.accessibility-developer-guide.com/knowledge/colours-and-contrast/how-to-calculate/
  • Baker, J. The Science of Color Contrast — An Expert Designer’s Guide: https://medium.muz.li/the-science-of-color-contrast-an-expert-designers-guide-33e84c41d156
  • How to choose and combine colors – A thorough analysis of color combinations. – Part 1: https://www.deesignre.com/how-to-choose-and-combine-colors
  • How to choose and combine colors – A thorough analysis of color combinations. – Part 2: https://www.deesignre.com/how-to-choose-and-combine-colors-part-2/
  • The Sessions College Color Calculator: https://www.sessions.edu/color-calculator/
  • Bridge-PCA Contrast Calculator: https://www.myndex.com/BPCA/
  • Color Contrast Ratio Calculator: https://www.msfw.com/Services/ContrastRatioCalculator
  • ATMOS. Create color combinations that look good together: https://atmos.style/color-wheel
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